Warren County Offrice of Economic Development

Business Investors

Our business investors are the backbone of Warren County's current and future success in this region's market place and global economy. Our region is home to a diverse economy of firms specializing in various types of manufacturing, research and development, pharmaceuticals, healthcare and tourism. Over 6,000 businesses currently call Warren County home.

To facilitate the success of our business community, Warren County has developed the Business Assistance Team, Outreach Program and Investor's Forum to provide guidance, communication and promotion for the business community. New and existing businesses alike benefit from these resources. In Warren County, we make your business our business.

A list of community representatives is available upon request. The Office of Economic Development is working with communities within Warren County and regional partners to develop a "fast tract" process to expedite those projects that bring significant economic impact to the region. This initiative will make our region more appealing to projects that must meet tight deadlines to compete in the global economy.