Interstate actions may be necessary when the assistance of another State's Child Support Agency is needed to successfully establish orders, enforce and/or modify orders. When an Interstate Action is necessary, child support agencies work these cases cooperating under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA).
The Warren County CSEA will exhaust all efforts to enforce your case even if the other party has moved out of state. Upon a decision made by our agency the process of Interstate Action may begin.
This varies, depending on what action is requested. Sometimes the process can take 6 months to 1 year or more. The Warren County CSEA will keep you notified as to the status of your case and will closely monitor the progress. Our agency has specialized investigators who work all Interstate Cases.
Yes, either party may seek a modification of an order issued in any state no matter where they live. Issues regarding which state has authority to modify an order can be complicated. Your CSEA has tools available to make the assessment for you.
The CSEA can help you with enforcement no matter where the order was issued and no matter where the obligor resides within the United States. The CSEA has the tools available to asses whether one-state or two-state interstate process will be most effective. You can help the CSEA with making these decisions by providing the most current address and employment information for the obligor. If the other party lives in a foreign country, please ask the CSEA whether that foreign country cooperates with the U.S. to establish and enforce support.
The Obligee may choose to work with their local CSEA or work directly with the State which issued the order. The Obligee should choose one or the other to avoid any confusion. If more than one state is involved with your case please communicate your decision clearly to all states involved.
Please read your paperwork carefully. Generally you will not have to travel to another state to attend child support hearings, however if the paperwork says that you are "Ordered to Appear" or any similar statement you may be required to appear. Some states allow a party to participate in a hearing through telephone testimony. If you are scheduled to appear at an out-of-state hearing, please contact your local CSEA for more details.
If you do not agree with the decision rendered by another state an appeal may be possible. You must notify the CSEA immediately because there are time limits set for filing an appeal. The CSEA does not personally represent either party so you may choose to obtain your own legal representation. If the CSEA considers the decision to be proper under the applicable law, the CSEA will not appeal/object.