Warren County Emergency Management Agency develops annual reports to highlight the Agency’s accomplishments and activities from January through December of each year, and to provide a snapshot of the Agency's role in building a Disaster Resilient and Resistant community in Warren County.
2024 Warren County EMA Annual Report
2023 Warren County EMA Annual Report
The Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) establishes the framework for how Warren County jurisdictions, public and private partners, and other supporting agencies will effectively prevent, prepare for, respond to, recover from, and mitigate hazards affecting the County.
The EOP was developed using generally accepted emergency management principles and practices. Incorporated within this document are planning elements derived from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Ohio Emergency Management Agency (OEMA), and other Ohio Counties.
This plan is developed pursuant to Section 5502 and 3750 of the Ohio Revised Code and conforms to the Incident Command System National Incident Management System (NIMS) standards.
2021 Warren County Emergency Operations Plan (Redacted)
The Warren County Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) was developed to guide the County in a risk-based approach to become more resilient to the impacts of natural and man-made hazards through mitigation planning.
The 2020 HMP was completed through a collaborative approach with county departments, jurisdictional representatives, and other county stakeholders. Through surveys and planning meetings, the planning team identified risks and hazards, discovered community resources and assets, and proposed mitigation projects that would reduce risk.
Jurisdictions can refer to the 2020 HMP when applying for mitigation grant funding or in their everyday land use, comprehensive or emergency planning. To add projects to the plan or to update the status on a project listed within this plan, please contact Warren County EMA at wcema@wcoh.net
2020 Warren County Hazard Mitigation Plan
Warren County EMA and key stakeholders are in the process of completing an update of the Warren County Hazard Mitigation Plan. Updating the plan every five years, keeps Warren County eligible for federal funding to support disaster preparedness and recovery projects.
For specific details on the plan update, visit the 2025 Warren County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update page.
The Warren County EMA Social Media Policy establishes guidelines for the use of social media sites by the Warren County Department of Emergency Services (WCDES). The intended purpose behind establishing WCDES social media sites is to disseminate information about the Department’s events, research, projects, outreach initiatives, findings, news, information, etc. to interested parties.
Warren County EMA Social Media Policy